Unilevel Hybrid with X-Up

It is designed to reward upfront efforts, that way you can afford to invest effort and advertising. It is also dsigned to leverage team building. 


Seller: This is the party selling goods or services using our tools.

Admin: Manager of the Universal Referral Program. We also handle compliance for filing withholding for every commission paid out. 

Allocated Commissions: Sellers can assign a fixed amount for each product or services offered. For example, if you have a t-shirt on sale for ₱250 , the sellers can specify any amount they want that fits within their margins. For example ₱10 allocated towards commissions. so ₱10 would be Allocated Commissions upon the completed transaction of the ₱250 t-shirt . The system will then automatically take that ₱10 and auto calculate commissions based on that.

Putting it all together

We use only Allocated Commissions in the calculations of the commissions.

20% of the total allocation is designated as an admin fee, while the remaining 80% is distributed as referral commissions. For compliance, sellers only need to file withholding for the allocated amount with PayPHPC as the payee. PayPHPC will manage the individual-level withholding, streamlining the process and ensuring a hassle-free experience for sellers.


Level 1: 30% 
level 2: 5%
Level 3: 5%
Level 4: 5%
Level 5: 5%

X-Up Infinity

Phase 1: 10%
Phase 2: 5%
Phase 3: 15%

4th to 10th Direct Referrals are Phase 1.

11th to 20th is Phase 2.

21+ are all Phase 3.

For example one your 21st Referral You will earn form their Phase1, 2, and 3 commissions from the sales that happen within their first 3 referrals, and that pattern continues for the first 3 of everyone who falls under that phase.